When to book a magician for a party

Booking a magician for a party performance is not always the best solution. Although magic is a very adaptable form of entertainment there are certain situations where you might not get value for money.
Why I can work without words
When I was creating my close up magic set, the one I use at tables or receptions, I realised that it needed to work without words. The magic needed to stand up without any verbal explanation. I just needed to be able to do the tricks and the magic would be apparent.
That is not to say that I don’t use words a lot when I work. My presentations are funny and that I believe is what people expect when they book a magician for party entertainment. However to survive the rigours of professional performance it needs to work in every situation.
Sometimes when I work people don’t speak English. This is not uncommon. Given that I work all over the world and often in Europe I frequently come across people who don’t speak English. I know that the tricks will still work for those people. Although they may not get quite as much out of it as those who speak English.
Sometimes the environment is very noisy. Occasionally I have worked in a disco or competing with a live band. So in these situations the magic works without words. This means I don’t have to fight to be heard. When people watch the magic from a distance they still understand it and this means I can reach more people.
What to book a magician for a party magic?
My set is robust and works in most environments. However, I still don’t think magic is suitable for every occasion.
To enjoy magic you do have to be able to concentrate. If people are tired, or drunk they can’t appreciate it in the same way. So when you book a magician for a party think about the best time to have them perform. Don’t let them perform too late in the evening. Or when the guests have been at the venue for too long. Don’t make them compete with loud music or other forms of entertainment. If you do provide them with another area if possible.
If you want your magician to perform cabaret make sure they are on earlier in the evening not late. Sometimes the room can break up before the magician gets on and this will make it very hard.
Good entertainment needs to be thought through. So when you book a magician for a party, make sure they have the best possible chance of being successful. Create the right environment for them to work.