Trade show magic to Promote and Sell your Business
I have been booked to perform trade show magic several times. These jobs require a considerable amount of preparation. The hours can be long but I have found them very rewarding.Most companies do not consider the option of using magic to advertise or promote their company. This is a shame because when done correctly it can create a unique and powerful message.
Trade Show Magic Venues
I have represented many companies performing trade show magic, particularly at Birmingham NEC. MY first trade show was at this very venue many years ago for a company that sold dentistry products. We created some magic tricks revolving around items on their shelves. Torn and restored dental floss comes to mind.
Once we put our minds to it, we realised that just about any object can be used to create magic to engage with an audience. To alter an item and then give it away creates a very special memory. This means that the prospect is far more likely to keep it than a normal giveaway.
Building a crowd
Trade show magicians are very popular in the United States but certainly underused in this country. Close up magic does work well in most situations. However, a magician can create a large crowd if you give them a platform on which to stand. With this type of cabaret magic, your delegates will be eager to see and learn about your product.
A talking point
Created using a classic principle in magic, this talking point has a modern twist. As you can see from the video the impact it has on the public is quite profound. It is well worth considering something to boost your conversion rate.
If you are looking for a trade show magician then do give us a call we are happy to discuss your products and aims.