Terry Seabrooke Tribute Night

The Terry Seabrooke Cabaret Night was on Monday the 13th of January. The Watford Association of Magicians made the trip to the Magic Circle London to put on a show to celebrate Terry’s career.
Hertfordshire Magicians make up the membership of the club. They meet twice a month for lectures and workshops. Terry was the chairman of the Club for many years and worked throughout the world. He had worked with many famous acts and appeared at the Magic Castle over one hundred and fifty times.
I held the show together while other members performed tricks some of which Terry was famous for. I told stories about Terry Seabrooke and remembered days we had together both here and in the States.
It was a fun evening. It was not perfect due to the hasty way in which it was put together but I think we “did him proud”.
TJ Shoesmith
The newspaper tear was one of the tricks featured. Slydini published this trick many years ago. I performed his burnt bank note routine, with the original patter. We also did a few of his gags and ran a quiz using his jokes.
Terry Seabrooke and Bob Monkhouse
We also displayed a list of jokes written by Bob Monkhouse specifically for Terry’s newspaper routine. The great man signed the card. Apparently, this all took place in Skegness. No doubt the two were touring at the time.
All in all, it was a great comedy cabaret night of magic which the members appeared to enjoy.
Terry has been a great influence on my career; he was an excellent comedian as well as a great magician. If it was not for him I would not have had the success in the US. Particularly, at the Magic Castle. I miss him and still think of him often.