High Wycombe Magician at the Hell Fire Caves

High Wycmobe Magician pictures the Hell Fire Caves

This evening I was fortunate to perform as a High Wycombe Magician at the Hell Fire Caves in Buckinghamshire. This is a maze of tunnels and caves. Developed by the infamous Sir Francis Dashwood, where he entertained friends and “ladies of the night”!

A very unusual setting for a 25th Anniversary! As I walked through the labyrinth of tunnels which lead to a cave, you could not help but feel a certain sense of claustrophobia. It was a wet day. Water occasionally dripped from the stones above and the gravel was damp underfoot.

high Wycombe magician tj shoesmith plays tables at the Hell Five Caves High
TJ Performing in High Wycombe

I had been booked to perform close up magic for the guests at this unusual venue. As I arrived at the inner sanctum, I was more than a little bit nervous.

All this may not sound welcoming but the evening could not have been warmer. A twenty five year relationship is a wonderful thing to celebrate and Sue and James had delightful friends.

High Wycombe Magician is Normal?

As I left a gentleman, also called Tim, turned to me and said, “You are the most normal Magicians I have met!”. I am not quite sure what he meant by normal. I’m not even sure if it was a compliment. However this may be the unique selling point I have been looking for all these years.

Sandy Moretta, the wedding organiser, ran the evening perfectly. This is the Hell Fires website.

I have made appearances at the excellent and prestigious Phyliss Court in Henley several times over the Years. I have also appeared at events and John Lloyd and Waterstones in Milton Keynes.

I always enjoy performing magic in Buckinghamshire, so if you are planning a function in the future and are looking for a close up or cabaret magician for a corporate or private event, do give us a call. Details can be found on our booking page.