London Cabaret Magician at the Court

London cabaret magician TJ Shoesmith at the Court. Conjuring at the court takes place at the Drayton Arms in Ealing on the last Thursday of the month. It usually comprises four magicians plus a host and lasts about two hours.
It is run by two London magicians, Russell and Stephen, who have managed to get some big names to perform for them over the years. This included an appearance from Michael Barrymore, who now lives in the area and hosted one evening.
I always enjoy my sets at the Court and am very glad that Russell continues to ask me back.
The full house was fitting given the strong lineup and was clearly enjoyed by all. It was great to see Gazzo, one of the best street entertainers in the world, in the audience.
Billy the Kid opened with an entertaining straight jacket escape. John Lenehan closed the first half with a wonderful combination of stand-up and comedy magic. Even six card repeat seems fresh in his hands. He opens with a few wonderful stories. You could tell you were in the hands of an experienced performer.
I was a little nervous when I realised I would have to follow John’s set. We are similar in style, both emphasising comedy a little more than magic. There was an interval between us, which I knew would help to reset the room.
I was introduced as the Magic Circle Close Up Magician of the Year, not the best credit for such a night, but something I am very proud of. It seemed to go well, and, I felt I had the audience on my side.
Nick Einhorn closed with some very strong and inexplicable magic. He is a great thinker and there are some genuinely new ideas in his set.
It is always great to perform stage magic to an audience who have come to see just that. Russell and Stephen have built up something quite extraordinary and it shows no sign of diminishing.
I got this email from Russell the next day.
London Cabaret Magician Review
“Thanks again for a great act last night – got the second half off to a terrific start. I do like that rope routine, and I think the audience was very surprised by the mentalism effect. Hope you enjoyed it too!”
Russell Booker
If you need a London Cabaret Magician or close up magician, please get in touch with us through the booking page.