Category: TJ’s Magic News
Articles about TJ Shoesmith’s, magic news and events.
Award Winning Magician for Hire on ITV News
Close Up Magician, Tj Shoesmith became an award winning magician in 2013. So, he was invited by ITV News to appear on its evening program. Where TJ met Emma Baker and Jonathan Mill in the studio, he also went out on the streets of Cambridge with Stuart Leithes one of ITV‘s reporters. BBC Radio with […]
TJ Shoesmith – member of The Inner Magic Circle London
So what is this mysterious organisation called The Magic Circle London? Well, first of all, it’s not so mysterious! Indeed if you want to visit then we will welcome you with open arms. Performances happen regularly at our headquarters in London. If you want tickets then call +44 1322 221592 and speak to the office. […]