Hampshire Table Magician at the Rose Bowl

Last week I worked as a Hampshire Table Magician at the Rose Bowl. The Rose Bowl is the home of Hampshire Cricket Club! I really had no idea when I drove to Southampton that this was the case. Expecting a restaurant or events centre I was most surprised to be directed into a large car park. And from their into a hospitality suite. I was employed to perform close up magic for 100 or so people at an NHS Trust annual event.

Arriving early I was able to walk through the grounds. Empty Stadiums have their own unique quality. Indeed the child inside each one of us can’t help imagining what it would be like to play cricket in front of a packed crowd. Or is that just the ego inside every performer?

It was a great night. Having worked as a paramedic in London for a number of years I always enjoy the NHS functions and parties. They certainly enjoyed the magic. As I walked out back through the stadium it had a very different feel in the dark.

Why Book a Hampshire Table Magician

The advantage of working as a Hampshire Table magician as opposed to strolling or mix and mingle magic is considerable. Although I am happy to mix with guests in an informal drinks reception or garden party, there are advantages to working tables. People grouped at a table always respond the best to table magic.

They can see better. More importantly they are not holding glasses or plates, which makes things much easier.

Tj has performed at the Rhinefield Hotel in the New Forest for Suzuki and Southampton University If you are looking for a Hampshire Magician then please do call or email us. You will find all the relevant details on our booking page. Do give us a call we are always happy to talk.