City of London Magician at Merchant Taylors’ Hall

city of London magician

I’m back working as a city of London magician.

I have been “out of town!” for the majority of the summer. Now here I was, walking the streets of London once again. Working on a marvellous job at the Merchant Taylors’ Hall in the capital’s centre.

My father went to Merchant Taylors School many years ago. So when the enquiry first came in, I was expecting to be going to Northwood near Harrow. This trip was not to be. As it soon became clear that the client wished me to go right into the heart of London.

However, the Livery Company has resided in Threadneedle Street since 1347, probably giving the street its name.

The establishment has been active for over 500 years. The “Great Fire of London” had a devastating effect. However, today the original 14th-century floor remains.

This type of event is my favourite sort of job. Close up magic during dinner with a short cabaret to finish. With six tables, there was plenty of time to get around and see everyone during the meal. The parlour show was lively.


I designed the parlour show, as we call it, to work in just about any environment, even surrounded. Surrounded is the proverbial nightmare for any cabaret magician. It is not so much that audience members see the mechanics of a trick. It is more that they often see nothing at all.

The room where the guests dined was spectacular, with great live music.

City of London magician at Christmas

As Christmas approaches, I spend more and more time working as a corporate magician. London is excellent as the commute is relatively quick and easy.

Suppose you are considering entertainment for your festive occasion. Why not hire a Magician? Tj is a city of London magician, available for company or private events. Please consider giving me a call or email from the contact page.