Entertaining Magician at the Magic Circle

This week I performed at the Magic Circle as an entertaining magician for the Tickets for Troops Charity. Tickets for Troops was set up so companies and events could offer free tickets to those serving in the Armed Forces. There patron Joanna Lumley describes the charity arrangement as a, “Win Win Situation”.

Seven hundred personnel applied for tickets but only one hundred and twenty were available so a draw was held. It was a great night and fascinating to meet those that attended.

We provided close up magic as well as a whole stage show. Food was available during the interval and allowed us to meet some of those who attended. It gave members of the armed forces a chance to see the headquarters along with its history and see magic right in the heart of London.

It is interesting how we view other people’s jobs. I had never thought of the job of a performer or magician to be particularly frightening.

One soldier said to me, “I couldn’t get up in front of all those people, I would be far too scared!”

As an entertaining magician, it quite took me back.

The Magic Circle

I have been a member of The Magic Circle for nearly twenty years now. I have won their Close Up Magic Competition and been a runner up in the stage competition. I regularly appear at shows affectionately known as, “meet the magic circle” and have also performed for high profile companies who have hired the venue.

Tj is regularly hired to work as an entertaining magician in and around London. With appearances as The Nags Head, Fifteen and Lloyds of London all in the centre of the capital. He has also travelled out as far as Headstone Manor, in Harrow and Questors in Ealing.

Entertaining Magician for Hire in London

If you would like to book Tj for your London event then do contact us through our booking page.