Leicester Square Magician with Joe Pasquale

Leicester Square Magician pictured with Joe and others

This week I was asked to perform at the Storm Club ( Now the 99) as a Leicester Square Magician as part of a weekly magic/comedy night called Magic Monday.

Many London magicians were present, and the audience included Wayne Dobson. Wayne is an acclaimed magician renowned for his charismatic stage presence and incredible illusions. With a career spanning several decades, Dobson has amazed audiences worldwide with his blend of humour, storytelling, and mind-bending magic. So it was a great honour to perform for him.

This venue was the home of the Comedy Store for many years before it moved a few hundred yards away to the other side of the square. The Comedy Store is a legendary comedy venue that has been delighting audiences for over four decades. Known for its intimate setting and electric atmosphere, it has played host to some of the biggest names in comedy.

You could feel the history, and I remember visiting when younger, long before I took up comedy magic. It is an eccentric space with a very long narrow stage, but its low ceiling and good acoustics make it ideal for comedy. The turnout was excellent, and the audience was very responsive.

Joe Pasquale made a surprise appearance doing fifteen minutes in the middle of the night. He performed new material with amazing ease and had the audience in fits from the start.

I closed the show, which was daunting, having watched Joe, Andy Clockwise, and Martin Cox go before me. However, all went well, and the audience seemed delighted with the event.

Comedy stage magic needs a very different technique than close-up magic, which we all perform regularly. I enjoy stage shows and look forward to them. I am in Tavistock later this week. After a family holiday, I have further gigs in August.

To book a Leicester Square Magician or London magician please go to our booking page.