Essex Table Magician in Theydon Bois

Squadron 2324 invited me to perform as an Essex Table Magician. The venue was Theydon Bois Village Hall.
This was for the Annual Awards Ceremony for 2324 (Chigwell) Squadron. I perform as an Essex magician regularly as it is not far from my base in Hertfordshire.
Awards for excellence and hard work over the last year were the focus. So the Squadron invited teenage members to receive them.
Indeed, it is a wonderful organisation, giving purpose and expertise to the young. And at a very important time in their lives.
Guests enjoyed the magic. In fact a squadron leader sent through this nice quote a few days later.
Testimonial from Officer
“I personally would not hesitate to recommend you to my friends and family when it comes to entertainment at high profile events and we have no doubt we will be inviting you back next year.”
Joe Halliday (Flying Officer RAFR(T)
Darren Cornhill of Woodhill Security runs the civilian committee and decided that they needed entertainment and chose a magician. Consequently, I was delighted that it was me. Indeed I was first attracted to magic because of the opportunity to entertain at such events.
Performing tricks at a family event is always such a great pleasure.
TJ Shoesmith
Essex Table Magician performs for VIP’s
Many important people were in attendance, including, Air Commanders, Squadron Leaders and the Mayor of Loughton. As well as Parents and family members from Theydon Bois and the surrounding area were present to see many presentations. Awards included, Best Flight and most improved and Best Cadet.
Tj has worked throughout the county including performances at Crofters, Haywards, and the Victoria Theatre. If you are looking for entertainment in the Essex area then do take a look at the testimonials, videos and photographs on the website. TJ is available for close up magic, cabaret, weddings, and table magic throughout the county, UK and beyond.
To contact us please call using the number above or email us via our booking page. We are always happy to discuss your event and offer advice where needed. Make sure your guests are entertained at your next event and hire an experienced entertainer.