Lincoln Magician at the University

I was working as a Lincoln Magician back at the university last night. Performing at their weekly comedy night. It takes place in the bar of the arts centre and although not a perfect venue it is a very enjoyable gig.

Last night I closed for the first time. Up and coming comics supported. Paul Mutageija was our very able MC.

Looking at the front row I saw a few familiar faces. Back after my last visit in November. Magic is slightly different from comedy. People do remember tricks more easily than jokes. I guess it is because of the visual image that is left in the mind after the trick is finished.

Anarchy is not dead

Lincoln magician photographs anarchy at the university
The Green Room Sink

I try to do visual magic and as we all know images are easier to remember than words. It is true to say that good comedy creates images in the mind but still I think a trick is easier to recall than a joke.

Anyway, I tried to vary the magic for the local crowd. It went surprisingly well. I have taken about two months off from the comedy clubs to perform corporate magic over Christmas and the New Year.

One could say that Iā€™m not gig fit. However, the reception I got at the end of the performance from the students at Lincolnshire University suggests they enjoyed the magic and comedy.

This is beginning to become a regular gig for me through Oi Oi Comedy. It is about two hours from home but worth the drive.

Hire a Lincoln Magician

I have worked in Lincolnshire on many occasions at weddings and banquets but it is always nice to work in a comedy club. In some ways, it is more relaxed. To book TJ call or email him from the booking page.