London Corporate Magician at the 58VE

I work as a London Corporate Magician regularly and have seen some wonderful venues old and new. It was a great pleasure to perform Close Up Magic at the 58VE as I’m sure it will establish itself as a top London venue.
The 58VE is a wonderful brand new venue, overlooking the river Thames. This tall building sitting close to the bank. It offers cutting edge technology and is ideal for companies looking to do creative things. It has an outside space as well and is easily accessible by all modes of transport.
Their flexible space is ideal for conferences and public launches as well as private events such as weddings and parties.
The numbering of the buildings is somewhat confusing but once I had found it the staff in the lobby were most amenable. The entrance is vast and will soon house a café.
I was shown up to one of the upper floors. Due to the security, the lifts didn’t have buttons but were operated by security staff. A first for me.
On this occasions, I was invited to perform close-up magic for the staff and their clients. It was a very friendly event, less formal than some. Everyone was standing drinks in hand. The time flew by and the reactions were great.
There was even a birthday, which gave me the opportunity to do something special. Putting objects, like money and cards, into impossible locations, like a sealed envelope or box is one of the strongest plots there is in magic.
I received the beautiful photograph above on twitter the next day from 58VE saying,
“Thank you for the brilliant magic at last night’s event! Still no idea how you pulled this out of your wallet”
Other quotes include
“I saw you last night at the 58VE (Nesta) event. I thought your act was fantastic. Thank you for the entertainment.”
James Kent Founder and Creative Director at Why.
To book a London Corporate Magician go to our booking page.