Birmingham Magician Tj Shoesmith at The Hyatt Hotel

As a Birmingham Magician, I often perform close-up magic and cabaret at private and corporate events. However, this was a bit different.
I was contacted by Ankush Jain a few months ago regarding a set of lectures he was giving in Birmingham. This programme is called “The Powerful Men’s Group” (he also runs one for women). Ankush teaches a small group over several days and goes in-depth with each participant.
The four-day programme takes place at The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Birmingham, so Ankush was looking for some “meaningful” entertainment for one of the evening gatherings.
Ankush is a life coach, consultant and mentor influenced by the speaker and author Michael Neill. I was asked to tailor a show to introduce and complement the themes in his teaching.
This was the most inspiring project, and I enjoyed doing the research and putting it together. I was struck by the powerful positivity in the room. You rarely meet such a cohesive group; this made it both fun and rewarding.
I also found it interesting how well magic worked with the themes which both Ankush and Michael promote. Many a magic trick proves that the world is governed by how we perceive it.
From the outset, Ankush clarified that I didn’t have to agree with him or Michael. The disagreements might fuel debate.
However, after reading and watching an excellent TedxBend lecture by Michael, I found myself embracing the simple philosophy. It is not my place to go into detail, but I found my view of the world changed during the experience and, indeed, for the better.
I was worried that I didn’t have the material or ideas to cover the time allotted, but we finished late, and questions continued well after we were supposed to leave.
I have worked as a professional magician for the last fifteen years. This was one of the most unusual and thought-provoking performances I have given.
My appearances in the county include the NEC, corporate events in Birmingham, Rutland and Coventry and West Bromwhich.
If you are looking for a professional Birmingham magician or a performer in the West Midlands, please do give me a call.